Thanks to three additional specialists in particularly important fields we could enlarge our medical spectrum of the CMCS:
- med. Marcel Nzoume, Gastroenterology, was born and raised in Cameroon. After his medical studies in Yaoundé, he specialised in Gastroenterology and came to Paris for a one year fellowship. In February, 2016, he returned to his home country and has been performing gastroscopies and colonoscopies on a daily basis in the CMCS since.
- med. Cyril Kamanjou, Urology, was also born in Cameroon. He was raised and trained in France, then moved to Brussels to accept a fellowship in Urology. After successfully ending his fellowship he moved back to Cameroon. He now operates his own private practice in Douala but provides weekly counselling and surgeries in Bafoussam, commuting 6 hours each way.
- med. Christiane Lippeck, Surgery, was raised and trained in Switzerland where she has graduated in Berne in 2005. After specializing in surgery in 2013, she has regularly been attending mission stages in Cameroon and is permanently active as a supporter for the project in organisational matters from Switzerland.